

Baptism is the “doorway” to the Sacraments and through baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons and daughters of God. This is an important moment of grace for a child and it should be approached with a certain amount of urgency. As a child is baptized at Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost becomes the official “place of record” for the child.


If you are a Catholic parent that would like to have your child baptized at Holy Ghost you need to initially fulfill one of these criteria:

  1. Live within the geographical boundaries of Holy Ghost Church; OR receive written permission from the pastor of the Catholic parish in which you are registered.
  2. Attend a Pre-baptism class within the last 5 years. Preparation classes are offered at Holy Ghost Church the First Saturday of each month at 9:45am. To register, please call the office at 303-292-1556 or email us at [email protected]. (We also accept baptism prep taught at other parishes - you will need to provide the certificate of completion.)
  3. Select a godfather and/or a godmother. (Godparents must be at least 16 years old, confirmed Catholics, not married outside the Church, and must secure a letter of good standing from their current parish.)


  1. Attend a Pre-baptism class within the last 5 years, as above for parents.
  2. Remember, Godparents must be at least 16 years old, confirmed Catholics, not married outside the Church.
  3. Godparents must secure a letter of good standing from their current parish if not Holy Ghost.


Holy Ghost normally baptizes children after the Noon Mass (approximately 1:15pm) on the 2nd and 3rd Sundays of each month.

Los bautizos en español podemos celebrar los domingos a las 1:15pm o durante la misa dominical en español a las 2pm.


For more information or to obtain and submit forms, please call the Parish Office at (303) 292-1556 or contact [email protected].


The universal call to holiness requires that Catholics continually examine their consciences and seek forgiveness from God for their sins. As a sacrament of healing, instituted by Christ, Reconciliation gives Catholics this beautiful avenue of grace and strength. Whether it has been one week or 43 years, Oblate priests are here at Holy Ghost to help you with this important sacrament.

A main part of Charism of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary (OMV) is the mercy of God. For this reason, we offer the sacrament of confession almost every day of the year.

See our Confession Schedule

For children, Reconciliation is a sacrament that is given special attention in our second year of Religious Education. Please call the parish office and speak with the Director of Religious Education, if you have any further questions.

El sacramento de reconciliación y penitencia es muy importante en la vida cristiana y saludable para el alma. Para confesión en español, favor de hacer una cita con P. Paul Nguyen, OMV o búscalo en la hora de confesión.


The Archdiocese of Denver has instituted the “restored order” for the sacraments, which means that a youth will receive the sacrament of Confirmation before receiving their First Holy Communion. This generally happens in the Third Grade, after three years of instruction that includes the sacrament of Reconciliation.

Holy Ghost acknowledges that there are many different needs and situations regarding the Sacrament of Confirmation. Please call the Parish Office and the Director of Religious Education with any questions or clarifications you may have.

Holy Eucharist

Jesus Christ becomes really, truly, and substantially present at every Catholic Mass in His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. Holy Ghost and the Oblates of the Virgin Mary celebrate Masses throughout the week and weekend. Our liturgies are celebrated with reverence and dignity, with times and settings for a variety of tastes and dispositions.

Sunday Mass Times

  • 4:00pm Saturday --- Organ music with cantor
  • 7:00am Sunday --- No music
  • 8:30am --- Organ music with cantor
  • 10:00am --- Latin Mass with organ, cantor and choir
  • Noon --- Organ music with cantor and choir
  • 2:00pm --- Español, Varios grupos de música
  • 5:10pm --- Contemporary Ensemble with piano, guitar and various instruments and vocalists

First Holy Communion

Instruction for First Holy Communion is combined with preparation for Confirmation, ideally in Third Grade, and it is accomplished through our Religious Education Program.

Anointing of the Sick

Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament of healing, sometimes referred to as "last rites" or "extreme unction," and the Apostolic Pardon can also be given when a person is closer to death. This sacrament is often received in an emergency situation in a hospital or home. Please call the Holy Ghost emergency pager number -- (303) 240-0297 and enter your contact number so we can call you back.

Don't wait until the person is very close to death and can no longer receive Communion or make a confession or pray along! As soon as any serious illness is discovered, the sick person can be anointed to receive strength from God and even physical healing from that condition.

In addition, anytime a person needs a medical procedure that involves any risk of mortality (including general anesthesia), that person should receive this sacrament. We also recognize that severe mental health distress such as depression or anxiety or suicidal thoughts constitute a condition that threathens the life of the person.

Finally, elderly Catholics can and should receive this sacrament from time to time.


Holy Ghost celebrates the beginning of many marriages. The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony is an incredible gift of God that elevates human love and devotion to a supernatural covenant. Please find complete information about beginning your marriage at Holy Ghost on our Weddings page:

Divorce and Annulment

Life can get messy, and so can marriage. If you are Catholic and have separated or divorced from your spouse, we are here for you. Your ex-wife or ex-husband need not participate in the process.

If you want to save your marriage, get in touch so you can take the best steps forward.

If you have questions about participating in the life of the church after divorce, please reach out to any of our priests.

If you are considering getting married again, you will need our help to establish that you are free to marry. Please contact the parish office to get in touch with our annulment coordinator, to learn about the process and how it applies to your case, and to get the support in gathering documents, evidence, and witnesses to support your petition for nullity of marriage.

Facing the truth of how things fell apart can be scary, especially if you are having to revisit it after many years. We are here to support and accompany you through this process of finding God's healing truth and love.

Holy Orders and Religious Life

God calls all people to holiness in a particular state in life. This means that some men and women are called to profess vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience following the inspiration of a founder or foundress in consecrated life. It can also be a call to holy orders to be formed and then ordained as a deacon or priest.

We all need help to hear God's voice more clearly and find His Will for our happiness and holiness, our own path to heaven.

Priests at Holy Ghost are happy to discuss religious life in the Oblates of the Virgin Mary or in the many other ways one can serve God in a particular vocation. Please call the church office to speak with a priest.

Fr. Paul Kallal, OMV
National Vocation Director
(617) 869-2429

Fr. Jonathon Hank, OMV
Vocations Captain for Denver, CO
303-292-1556 x1021

Vocations Prayer, Oblates of the Virgin Mary

Loving Father, as Jesus taught us to beg the Harvest Master to send laborers into His vineyard, so we now ask You to bless the Oblates of the Virgin Mary with new vocations. May Your Spirit draw men of integrity to love You intensely, and to serve You courageously in poverty, chastity, and obedience. Reveal Your mercy to them, and remove the distractions and fears that keep them from echoing Mary’s joyful Yes. Guide them in discerning the mission for which You created them, so that they will become wise and gentle shepherds of souls. We ask this through the intercession of Venerable Lanteri, and in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen.