About Us

Holy Ghost Church Catholic Church
Holy Ghost Church Catholic Church

The original Church of the Holy Ghost (present-day Helen Bonfils Parish Center, lower level) was dedicated on December 14, 1924. The present-day Holy Ghost Church was dedicated on July 8, 1943. However, the parish traces its roots back to the 1860 construction of St. Mary’s Cathedral, the first Catholic church in Denver. In 1905, a new downtown parish was formed under the title of the Holy Ghost as the present Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception was established on Colfax and Logan, and the new parish used the old cathedral until a permanent home could be established. Since our founding, it has been our pleasure to dedicate our service to our fellow worshipers.

In 2001, priests and brothers of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary began to staff Holy Ghost Church. We are here to provide you guidance on your spiritual journey. No matter where you are on the path to the Lord, we’re here to help. We guide men and women who are hoping to experience the joy of encountering the Lord through the scriptures and the sacraments to develop a grasp of His presence in their lives, in full communion with the universal Church.

Explore our parish activities and see how you can express your faith and become involved with the church from social ministry, weddings, RCIA, lectors, and religious education to clubs and bible studies.

Pastor’s Greeting

Dear Friend in Christ,

On behalf of my brother Oblates serving at Holy Ghost Church, welcome! We are so glad for your interest in this church. Whether you just stop in to pray or go to confession, or whether Holy Ghost becomes your spiritual home here in Denver, we are here for you!

We pray that everyone who comes here would find a deep relationship with the Lord our God that overflows into a community of holiness and charity, both within our own parish and throughout the surrounding region.

In Christ,
Fr. Paul Nguyen, OMV


Come Holy Spirit

fill the hearts of your faithful

enkindle in them the fire of your love.

Send forth your Spirit, Lord, and we shall be created.

And you shall renew the face of the earth.

O God, who instructed the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit,

grant by the same Spirit that we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in his consolation.

Through Christ, our Lord.


Parish Staff


Rev. Paul Nguyen, OMV

Parochial Vicars
Rev. Rafael Solorio, OMV
Rev. Jonathon Hank, OMV

Weekend Assistants

Rev. Daniel Barron, OMV
Rev. John Paul Klein, OMV

​Social Ministry Office

Troy Maes

Crystal Manzanares

Music Ministry

Parish Choir Director & Organist
Richard Robertson

Contemporary Choir Director and Wedding & Funeral Music Coordinator
Malou Mateo Stirman

​Additional Musicians

Frank Slechta
Malou Mateo Stirman
Kathryn Walsh
Miguel Rangel

Maintenance Engineer

Gene Stefanski

Administrative Assistants and Sacramental Records

Sharon Medina
Alicia Strasheim

Wedding Coordinators

Frank & Mary Kerber

​Sacristan and Religious Education

Daniel Aedo

Business Manager

Connie Magers

New Parishioner Registration

Dear Friend in Christ,

Welcome to Holy Ghost!

In order to help us get to know you and be able to serve you better, please complete our Registration Form and email it to the parish office or place it in the collection basket on Sunday.

Please contact us if you have any questions about living a Christian life here at Holy Ghost. We look forward to meeting you in person soon!

In Christ,
Fr. Paul Nguyen, OMV